After many months of hard work, letterpress printing of our Sherlock and the Adventure of a Dozen Favourites is finally done and landed safely in AKD, where the illustrations will be printed, along with making everything ready for the bindery. It is a very exciting day for us and we were all nervously waiting for the confirmation that the truck has, indeed, arrived safely.
Now that it is safe hands of AKD we can start the preproduction stage for Catch-22, which will involve a lot of different papers to find the perfect fit for each edition. Tedious? A bit. Fun? Absolutely!
We have to do this next step—which is printing illustrations—very carefully. Once that it is done, then off it goes into the bindery!
What’s Next?
There’s a lot of work to be done. Sherlock needs to be bound and then shipped, Catch-22 needs to be printed (and that will take over two months alone since it’s over 600 pages long), and we still have to determine the final steps for 2001: A Space Odyssey, so there are some exciting times ahead.
Most importantly, we have recorded one day of letterpress printing on our Heidi and the video is now in editing, so you can expect it sometime around middle of August. It will show just how meticulously we have printed everything in two colours (and the title page has three if you count our logo!).
Best news of all, now that we have our first letterpress book done, we’ll be able to ramp up the production so that we can print them faster.